
Gesture Class with Alex Woo

Time flies when you're having fun.  The Gesture Class with Alex Woo just ended and I've learned so much from it.  Here are some doodles I've done for his class.  He's such a great instructor and very wise about drawing a subject that I won't go into detail. :P

Some examples of his critique on my sketches.  It's so awesome to see how much a sketch can be pushed.

Also. . . some random caricature of friends.


Alex Woo Gesture class exercise.

One of the exercises for Alex Woo's gesture drawing class which is almost coming to an end.  Time flies when you're having fun.  I enjoy the class so much that I'd love to take it again.  From the past year and a half of neglecting figure/gesture drawing, this class has given me a fresh new perspective of approaching a drawing.  


So. . . My attempt to do some observational digital painting.  This was at the port by AT&T ballpark.  With the homies, Jack Chang and Gino Whitehall.